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Bring a training day at Longcross testing facility to the whole Honda network

Now here’s a quandary. You are about to launch a new model, one that moves your network out of their comfort zone, selling in a higher price band than previously. One that will raise the value of the brand. Yet, sales volumes will be low, meaning launch budget is low and enthusiasm to be involved within the network could be better. How can you inspire sales teams to sell this new model?

This was the opportunity our team was given with the launch of the Honda Legend. Dealers were given the opportunity to send a delegate on a launch event to experience this unique new model. Our job was to find a way to bring the experience and passion generated to those who could not attend.

The solution? An on-line experience, through which viewers can see the training presentations as they were delivered and hear what delegates, many of whom they knew, had to say. 

The principle for doing this is aligned with how What Car? uses customer feedback on-line today. Our trainer presentations gave delegates the information they needed to present the car, but the delegate feedback gave them the passion to believe in the car.

So, whilst they couldn’t have the experiences their colleagues had, viewers did feel the passion. In fact, in some ways they had a better experience; it rained on the training days… you wouldn’t tell, would you!